Special Roles
You can specify special roles for varying situations. There are currently three types, and you can only specify one role for each.
Bot Role
You can specify your serverβs bot role. This will allow temporary VC channels to automatically give bots the required permissions upon creation.
Also automatically assigns the role to bots that enter the server.
Entry Role
Assigns a role to all members on server entry. You can also retroactively assign the specified role to all members in the server. This does not apply to bots.
Newbie Role
Similar to entry roles - however, once certain conditions are met (customizable), the role will be automatically removed. The default settings are to be removed after 5 messages AND either 10 hours in VC or 2 weeks since joining the server. If conditions are not met, the role will automatically be assigned upon interaction with the server. Otherwise, you can use Mass Assign similar to entry roles.
Gate Role
When a user is given this role, the user will automatically be kicked or banned, depending on the setting.
VC Role
This role will automatically be given when a user a joins a voice channel and removed when the user disconnects. The role will be applied 5 seconds after joining/leaving.
Last updated